Protermosolar with other Ibero-American Renewable Associations will sign renewable energy commitment at COP25

The 12 associations that have made this commitment will be: Spanish Wind Energy  Association (AEE Spain), APPA Renewable, Protermosolar and UNEF (Spain), ACERA (Chile), AEEREE (Ecuador), AMDEE and ASOLMEX (Mexico), AUDER (Uruguay), Cader (Argentina), SER Colombia and SPR (Peru).
Within the framework of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change – or better known as COP25 -, undoubtedly the most important environmental event of the year, and facing the high responsibility of the energy sector in terms of emissions at the level world, is that an opportunity was identified to promote renewable energy broadly through an Ibero-American commitment.

This is how the adventure of conglomerating the main associations of Latin America and Spain began, a country that assumes the role of host of COP 25, where Chile maintains the presidency.

To date, there are 12 associations that have adhered to this commitment, representatives from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Spain, who will meet to sign a Framework Agreement, whose main objective is to establish the Master lines of collaboration between associations in the areas of: Promotion and development of a national regulation in each country, which is adequate to take advantage of the technical and economic advantages of renewable energy; Exchange of experiences and knowledge; and Develop consulting and studies related to improving the technical and competitive conditions of renewable energies.

In this regard, José Ignacio Escobar, President of ACERA, and representative of Chile before the agreement, said that “this is a very important step for us. Since ACERA, for a long time we have been promoting a more active and deep work among the different renewable associations, and this milestone, where it was possible to bring together so many associations from different countries is the first step of the great challenge. The planet needs a total energy transition to achieve the global goal against global warming and, therefore, we consider the union between all nations in this ambition to combat the climate crisis with clean energy as key ”.

The initiative will be part of the Energy Day program, organized by the Chilean Ministry of Energy, and the signing will take place on December 10, 2019, at 3:30 p.m., in the Blue Zone of COP 25 in Madrid, Spain.