Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Influence of corrosion-resistant coatings on the post-corrosion thermal stability and fouling of molten salts for high temperature thermal energy storage

Abstract Corrosion and dissolution of containment alloy constituents is an important consideration in high temperature thermal energy storage using molten salts. While the focus of most studies has been on protecting the alloys from corrosion attack, an often-neglected aspect is the dissolution of alloy materials into the molten salt which leads to fouling and possible …

DLR Institute of Solar Research seeks a Master’s student in Mechanical Engineering

Hiring 🚀 Do you want to contribute to a renewable energy supply? Then the DLR Institute of Solar Research is the right place for you! Our institute researches the utilisation of solar energy with the aim of further reducing CO₂ emissions. In addition to CO₂-free electricity generation, the provision of sustainable process heat in energy-intensive …

Valparaiso University undergrads demonstrate multi-year thermochemical energy storage

IMAGE©Valparaiso University The solar lab at Valparaiso University: This solar furnace uses a horizontal, on-axis optical configuration. A heliostat reflects solar radiation into a faceted, spherical concentrator comprising 305 hexagonal mirrors. The concentrator has a focal length of 5.77 m and a rim angle of approximately 20°. It focuses the radiation to an approximately 6 …

Published at Energy – A cascaded thermochemical energy storage system enabling performance enhancement of concentrated solar power plants

Abstract: Calcium looping (CaL) thermochemical energy storage (TCES) exhibits promising potential for application in concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. However, the CSP-CaL integrating system encounters challenges related to elevated heat loss and diminished power generation efficiency. Herein, for the sake of a more rational heat management and enhanced energy utilization, we propose a cascaded energy …

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Artificial neural Network-Based LCOH estimation for concentrated solar power plants for industrial process heating applications

Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of a 5MWt solar-only parabolic trough concentrated solar power (CSP) for industrial process heat (IPH) in various locations across Morocco. Furthermore, the initial plant design has been optimized by considering the number of full-load storage hours and the size of the solar field. Additionally, this study …

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Enhancement of the Power-to-Heat Energy Conversion Process of a Thermal Energy Storage Cycle through the use of a Thermoelectric Heat Pump

Abstract: The principal strategy for achieving a neutral climate entails enhancing the share of renewable energies in the energy mix, in conjunction with promoting innovation in efficient technologies. Thermal energy storage systems have the potential to efficiently handle the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Furthermore, these systems can effectively handle shifts in both heat …

German industries to be paid to switch to low-carbon processes via CCfDs

News source: Hydrogen Insight Industrial users can bid for subsidies to switch to green H2 or other low-emissions technology Germany’s government has launched the first €4bn ($4.4bn) bidding round of its estimated €50bn Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfD) programme, which will see heavy industry paid to switch to low-carbon processes — including those that use …

SolarPACES Conference 2024 – First Announcement and Call for Papers

SolarPACES 2024 First Announcement SolarPACES (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems) is pleased to announce the 2024 Conference to be held from October 8-11, 2024, in Rome, Italy. SolarPACES is the premier international network advancing research, development, and commercial deployment of concentrating solar thermal technologies. This year, we will be in Italy, where history and modernity go hand in …

Over 90% efficient energy storage improved by flowing heat round two pebble layers

The iterations of the design for the packed bed layered radial thermal energy storage: View full size An over 90% efficient thermal storage technology from KTH gets further refinements Energy storage will become essential to fully replace fossil fuels for industrial heat and the electric grid. Batteries are a cost-effective solution when electricity is needed as …

Spain, one of the most attractive countries to develop thermal storage

News Source: El Periodico de la Energia It is estimated that by 2030, these technologies could electrify up to 8% of current global gas consumption, which would translate into a 2% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. In a world increasingly aware of the urgency of acting against climate change, the transition to renewable energy …