China to build 100 MW of tower Concentrated Solar Power in Tibet

The project has an overall planned installed capacity of 650MW, including a 100MW thermal storage solar thermal power generation project and a 550MW photovoltaic power generation project. The project will be constructed in two phases, with the first phase having a construction scale of 350MW, including a 100MW thermal storage solar thermal power generation project …

China Supcon Delingha 50 MW Concentrated Solar Power plant achieved record high performance in Feb. 2020

The monthly generation of China Supcon Delingha 50 WM Concentrating Solar Power tower plant reached record high at 17.1795 GWh in February 2020 (from Jan 26 to Feb 25), with the generation fulfillment rate of 102.9%. Supcon Delingha 50 MW Molten Salt Tower solar thermal project is one of the 1st batch of 20 demonstration …

Delingha 50 MW Tower Concentrated Solar Power Plant Reached Full-load Operation

At 14:19, April 17th,2019, SUPCON SOLAR Delingha 50MW Tower CSP Plant reached full-load operation. Records show the major indicators of the system has exceeded their design parameters: The molten salt at the outlet of the receiver reached 566℃ and steam pressure reached 13.3MPa. The turbine generator output power reached 50.65MW. The main subsystems including heliostats …

Delingha 50 MW Tower CSP has successfully connected to the grid

On 30th,December,2018, Supcon Solar Delingha 50MW Tower CSP has successfully connected to the grid. Supcon Solar has delivered its promise of on-time grid-connection to the National Energy Administration. Supcon Solar Delingha 50MW Tower CSP is one of China’s first batch CSP Demonstration Projects. The project is developed, invested, designed, constructed and will be O&M by …