‘Dispatchable’ renewables in spotlight after upbeat IEA report

The most commonly used sources of dispatchable renewable energy are reservoir-based hydropower facilities, which can be rapidly ramped up or down by grid operators depending on system power needs. This week’s upbeat renewable energy supply outlook by the International Energy Agency (IEA) contained an important but overlooked lament about the slow roll-out of so-called dispatchable …

IEA publishes new review of Morocco’s energy policies’s energy policies

Morocco is pursuing an ambitious energy transition pathway. But reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, in line with the country’s commitments to the Paris Agreement, will require the scaling up of private and public investments. The IEA’s review provides detailed recommendations to maintain the momentum for reform and increase ambitions for the country’s energy …

Is concentrated solar power (CSP) forecast to contribute to energy storage over the next five years?

In addition to PSH and battery storage, concentrated solar power can provide large-scale energy storage, but the way CSP solar thermal storage characteristics differ from those of PSH and stationary batteries prevents direct comparison. Nonetheless, most concentrated solar power plants deployed over the outlook period are expected to include thermal storage, though at a comparatively …