Sener sells three Concentrated Solar Power plants in Seville and Cádiz to the Qualitas fund

Q-Energy, the energy investment vehicle of Qualitas Equity (former Fotowatio investor), has bought from Sener and Masdar -subsidiary of Mubadala- the Concentrated Solar Power Torresol Energy Investments S.A. (“Torresol Energy”), owner of three solar thermal plants in Spain with a total capacity of 120 MW located in Seville and Cádiz. The transaction also includes the …

Andalusia aims to 25,650 MW of renewable energy between wind energy, concentrated solar power and photovoltaic

The analyzed potential to install renewable energy projects is distributed, by technologies, as follows: 81% corresponds to photovoltaic projects, 8.2% to wind power, 6.3% to solar thermal, 3.5% to investments in offshore wind energy and 0.6% in biomass. The Junta de Andalucía, through the Agency of Finance, Industry and Energy, has proposed to Red Eléctrica …