Solar furnace to melt steel at 2000°C for Swiss recycler Panatère

This solar furnace built in Taskent during the Soviet era will be used by Panatère to melt steel. The formerly top secret solar furnace could melt up to 400 tons of recycled steel each year. Here, the rear view of a solar field of heliostats, staggered up a hillside, reflects sunlight into a huge concave mirror …

Surface area in the Sahara desert required to power the world with solar energy only – World of Engineering

Surface area of 380 km by 380 km (236 mi by 236 mi) in the Sahara desert required to power the world with solar energy only. Concentrated solar power (CSP, also known as concentrating solar power, concentrated solar thermal) systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a receiver.   Electricity is …

World’s First Industrial Solar Furnace to Melt Steel Without Fuel or Electricity

Panatère, a watch component manufacturer and steel recycling business based in Saignelégier, has announced that it will soon inaugurate its concentrating industrial solar furnace. A pilot model – and a world first – that will allow it to melt green steel, locally, to produce components for the watchmaking, medical and aeronautical sectors. Photo: Panatère   …