Making the sun shine at night: comparing the cost of dispatchable concentrating solar power and photovoltaics with storage

Sustainable electricity systems need renewable and dispatchable energy sources. Solar energy is an abundant source of renewable energy globally which is, though, by nature only available during the day, and especially in clear weather conditions. We compare three technology configurations able to provide dispatchable solar power at times without sunshine: Photovoltaics (PV) combined with battery …

HelioHeat Commercializes the DLR 1000°C Solar Receiver CentRec®

At the SolarPACES Conference2020 in October, Wei Wu introduced her startup HelioHeat – that will be first to commercialize the CentRec® very high temperature particle receiver developed at the German solar research lab at DLR, able to attain heat of 1000°C. The former DLR solar researcher told conference attendees (all online this year) that the …