Morocco Pioneers PV with Thermal Storage at 800 MW Midelt Cocentrated Solar Power Project

Morocco’s 800 MW solar hybrid project at Midelt will be the first solar project in the world to include thermal (heat) storage of PV (Photovoltaic) as well as CSP (Concentrated Solar Power). Midelt’s first-of-a-kind hybrid solar and shared storage project will deliver dispatchable solar at 7 cents per kWh. To date, when PV solar projects …

Morocco Pioneers PV with Thermal Storage at 800 MW Midelt CSP Project

How colocated PV and CSP would store solar energy in the molten salts thermal energy storage of a CSP plant Morocco’s 800 MW solar hybrid project at Midelt will be the first solar project in the world to include thermal (heat) storage of PV (Photovoltaic) as well as CSP (Concentrated Solar Power). Midelt’s first-of-a-kind hybrid …