Is concentrated solar power (CSP) forecast to contribute to energy storage over the next five years?

In addition to PSH and battery storage, concentrated solar power can provide large-scale energy storage, but the way CSP solar thermal storage characteristics differ from those of PSH and stationary batteries prevents direct comparison. Nonetheless, most concentrated solar power plants deployed over the outlook period are expected to include thermal storage, though at a comparatively …

Concentrated Solar Power makes up 1.4% of Spain’s power in Feb 2019

During the first two months of 2019, renewables accounted for 38.3% of Spain’s power mix and wind dominated with 22.3%, Spanish grid operator Red Electrica de España (REE) said Tuesday. In February alone, renewables produced 37.6% of the country’s power, according to REE’s estimates for the month. Wind power had an 18.5% share producing 3,619 …