Abu Dhabi to test first-ever rotating solar concentrator

Abu Dhabi’s Khalifa University of Science and Technology and private company Wahaj Solar have signed an agreement to test and verify the world’s first medium-scale point solar concentrator at the Masdar Institute Solar Platform (MISP) test center, the partners announced January 20.

The solar concentrator consists of a 10-meter diameter high-flux solar furnace which can focus solar energy at very high temperature to a lower point fixed to the ground. The solar disk turns around the focal point, which is easily accessible therefore improving the potential for energy storage and other applications, the project partners said in a statement

“This would result in many applications including low cost solar energy storage allowing for 24/7 electricity production, high efficiency in electricity production, hydrogen generation from water, desalination, as well as melting metals or sand to produce glass,” the partners said.

Over the next 12 months, the researchers will test the performance of the concentrator and demonstrate certain applications.

New Energy Update 
