China Made Solar PV Cheap – Is Concentrated Solar Power Next?

As China closes in on doubling today’s entire total global capacity of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), a new paper, The Dragon Awakens: Will China Save or Conquer Concentrating Solar Power? analyses the potential impact that the nation’s ambitions, and record-low costs, might have on global CSP – both good and bad. IMAGE @ Johan Lilliestam: How …

The 9th Annual CSP Focus China 2019 will be held on Mar.21-22 in Beijing, China

With two months ahead of the conference & expo, most of the world and China leading Concentrated Solar Power project owners, developers and EPCs have confirmed to join the event, some of them are: China: Beijing Shouhang IHW Resources Saving Technology Co., Ltd.—China 1st 100MW CSP plant developer, and EPC contractor, and developing some key …