Delingha 50 MW Tower CSP has successfully connected to the grid

On 30th,December,2018, Supcon Solar Delingha 50MW Tower CSP has successfully connected to the grid. Supcon Solar has delivered its promise of on-time grid-connection to the National Energy Administration. Supcon Solar Delingha 50MW Tower CSP is one of China’s first batch CSP Demonstration Projects. The project is developed, invested, designed, constructed and will be O&M by …

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) to be part of Oman’s renewables portfolio

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) projects — involving the use of mirrors in place of photovoltaic (PV) panels in the electricity generation process — will be part of a sizable portfolio of utility-scale renewable energy schemes envisaged for development in the Sultanate in the coming years. According to a key official of Oman Power and Water …