GlassPoint, Occidental set to develop 2GW Oman concentrated solar power plant

US-based GlassPoint Solar, a leading supplier of solar energy to the oil and gas industry, said it has signed a deal with Occidental of Oman for the development of a 2 GW solar thermal energy plant at the Mukhaizna oilfield in the sultanate. As the lead developer of the proposed project, GlassPoint would deploy its …

Protermosolar: Concentrated Solar Power is essential in the energy transition

The solar thermal is the most competitive alternative to generate electricity from the sun, complementing the photovoltaic and avoiding CO2 emissions. The new solar power must be a combination of photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal to overcome the EU’s objectives of renewable and decarbonisation by 2030, with a cost of less than 5 c € …

SolarPACES 2017 Conference Proceedings Now Published with AIP

The SolarPACES 2017 conference proceedings are now published with AIP, the American Institute of Physics (, volume number 2033. All accepted papers are freely accessible on the AIP website and contain an ISBN number for the volume as well as individual DOI numbers for each paper. The SolarPACES 2017 proceedings are available here The conference …

Glasspoint Signs up 2nd Oman Solar EOR Project at Twice the Size: 2 GWth

GlassPoint just signed an agreement with a second oil company operating in Oman to facilitate oil production by the use of 2 GWth solar-generated steam replacing fossil fuel-generated steam. As reported at SolarPACES previously, GlassPoint’s first EOR project in Oman was 1 GWth. This new deal with Houston-based Occidental Petroleum (“Oxy”) at the Sultanate’s Mukhaizna …